Give Yourself the Gift of an Outstanding Blog This Holiday Season
The holidays are all about sharing. And in today’s world, it’s about sharing these happy times with the ones you love, and the rest of the internet! Soon your social media feeds will be filled with pictures of families reuniting, what they’re cooking, and how they’re decorating their homes – and that’s just for Thanksgiving! This is also a time when people are looking to get some inspiration for themselves to make their holiday season truly special.
Sure, you can share your recipes and projects on various social media platforms, but that’s what everyone else is doing. Now is the perfect time to start sharing your fun ideas for the holidays in a different way – a blog!
Whether you’ve always wanted to start a blog or want to dust off the one you made a couple years ago, let the holidays be a perfect excuse to turn an idea, be it a recipe, fun gift idea or a decorating project, into a post.
Blogs give you the opportunity to express yourself in a way Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram can’t offer. You can take the time to share your inspiration and explain your process, making it more personal rather than posting another picture someone scrolls by.
Whether you’ve been blogging for a while or you’re just getting started, it’s important to set your blog up to take off. These 5 helpful tips are your “Recipe for Blog Success” and will give you the confidence you need to share your thoughts with the world!
1. Find Your Niche
When starting or revamping your blog, it’s important to establish a purpose. Are you a recipe blogger, decorating maven, or book-reviewing extraordinaire? Perhaps you can be one of those “lifestyle bloggers”, which includes all of the above. Whatever your blogging objective may be, it’s important to define what mission your posts will accomplish. Writing a short bio will be helpful in establishing this. You can introduce yourself and why you’re starting this blogging journey. It lets your readers know what they’ll find when they pay you a visit.
2. Define Your Audience
After establishing your what and why, you need to define your “who.” Who will want to read your blog and why would they want to read it? Are you only sharing recipes for families to try? Perhaps you’re trying to become a better DIY-er and interior decorator hoping to appeal to others just like you. Once you’ve defined your niche, tailor your blog to add value to your audiences’ lives so they’re interested in reading more.
3. Be Consistent
The almighty Google crawls websites looking for fresh content that’s about 500-800 words long every five weeks. So while you may not need to make your blog a full-time job, you should create a plan of how much time a week you can devote to creating content for your blog.
That means factoring in how much time it takes to come up with a new project, finish it, write about it, respond to readers’ comments, and share it across social media platforms for maximum exposure. Once your plan is set, stick to it! Consistency is letting your readers know you’re there for them by providing fresh posts when they can expect it. Putting a “sign up button” on your blog will give them instant notifications when you post a new entry.
4. Incorporate SEO Elements
You may have heard of SEO and know it’s good for your website, but that’s the extent of your familiarity with it. Incorporating helpful SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, practices into the content of your blog post is what will increase your web presence and the size of your audience. Pictures and media, keyword use, word count, mobile friendliness, and social media integration are just a few examples of SEO elements that will help you out.
While I could keep writing about the benefits of SEO, we’d have ourselves an article that’s twice as long – and that’s not good for SEO! So, I’ll point you in the right direction. This helpful article will help you learn how to make your blog stand out and stand up to Google’s standards.
5. Stay True To Being Uniquely You!
While there may be other blogs featuring the same type of content as yours, those other blogs aren’t you. A blog is your personal narrative, so use first-person when writing. Have confidence, be open, and most importantly, have fun in the value you’re giving the universe. You are what makes your blog unique.
Here at Next! Ad Agency, we know a thing or two about blogging. If you have any questions or want to put your blog in the hands of our experts, contact us by calling 585-427-0020!